
Marble Cave

by Ustad | 7:16 AM in , , , , , , |

1987 Simferopol speleologists discovered a huge complicated cave of unbelievable beauty. 1989 after all necessary preparations had been done, Marble Cave opened for tourists. Speleologists claim, that it is one of the most beautiful caves on the planet and one of the most frequently visited ones in Europe.

  On the way to the cave.
 Here we are! The equipped path has a total length of about 1.5 kilometes; the explored caves have a total length of approximately 2 kilometers.
 There are huge fanciful caves with rare crystals here.
 This is a 200-meter-long Gallery of Fairy Tales.
Most of the stalactites and stalagmites have their own names. This is ‘Minaret’, the trade mark of Marble Cave.
 All year temperature here is eight degrees Celsius above zero.
 On the ceiling one can see roots of some trees which somehow managed to get here through the stone.
 This is ‘Khozyain’ which means ‘master’ or ‘boss’.

 This is ‘Khozyain’ which means ‘master’ or ‘boss
 It is so beautiful here!
 Does everybody see ‘Hare’ to the right of the column?

 Stone corals growing on one of the walls.
 Perestroyka Hall is the largest cave in the Crimea. It is 100 meters long and its room hight is 28 meters, which is the size of a nine-storey apartment building!
 Walls covered with corallite ‘flowers’, enormous boulders, refined columns, and a variety of stalactites and stalagmites are just stunning!
 One can hear music playing in the cave. It is amazing when you see it live!
 Some more masterpieces of nature and time.
 ‘Pearl Lakes’ are hundreds of little pits which are filled with water in spring.
 Real pearl is forming in there but it cannot be used in jewelry.
 Looks like a photo from Mars, doesn’t it?

 This candle is also made of stone.
 Two or three hundred years later these guys will unite
 Everything is really huge that is why you feel like a grain.
 There are plenty of coins in this lake. Everybody wants to come back again.
 Once they found remains of the cave lion in this cave. So, the cave was named after it.
 Tiger Path is 200 meters long and has a high humidity. As a result, it looks different.

 Do you think these are some kind of plants? These are long stone sticks growing in different directions. Another miracle of nature.

 Looks like a tropical forest.

 No doubt, everybody who happens to be here, will gain deep and lasting impressions because this place is simply unmatched.

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