

by Ustad | 10:50 AM in , , , , , , , , |

"Post from the Past": The island of Palawan in southwestern Philippines, the only living person in the world, which revealed the secret production of a rare species of jewels and gold pearls. By the fragile natural pearls are treated like royal jewelry. Each oyster takes 5 years to produce one such gem, and the slightest jolt could kill it.

Jacques Brannel consider gems from the new harvest.
View from the window of one of the helicopter islands of Palawan, which is a pearl farm.
Pearl Farm.
Jacques Brannel flew his helicopter to a pearl farm.

On this board, painted with the positions of all cells of the oyster farm at number 3.
Biologist Doris Domingo, head of Fermilab, is considering a gold pearl under a microscope.
Oysters 3-types: (left to right) white, gold and black.
Young oysters carefully cleaned of dirt and parasites before placing them into new cells.
Young oysters are transported by helicopter to a neighboring farm for future growth.
Worker performs the daily cleaning process ropes and cages on one of the pearl farms.

Protecting farm stops the ship for inspection. In these places a lot of poachers, so protection is always on the alert.
3 years oysters are placed at a depth of 15 meters. The divers each week turn around the cell to acquire a gem perfectly round shape.

Workers pick up the cage with ripe pearls.

The process of harvesting pearls.
Oysters were washed thoroughly before open.
Jacques Brannel oversees the process of harvesting pearls on one of his farms, on which he flew on his own helicopter from Manila.

After 5 years the growth of pearl oysters carefully removed from the. Only a few Japanese experts have the ability to open these oysters.

And oysters, in turn clean and sell to restaurants in Manila.
During one week of harvest harvested thousands of pearls. Each sells for 500 euros. But the pearls of the highest class can cost several times more.
In the workshops pearls sorted out and evaluated.

Designer to develop new gold jewelry of pearls.
Ornaments of gold pearls.
This catalog jewelry.
Jacques Brannel on his farm, along with an assistant, which is emblazoned on his neck a necklace of golden pearls.

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