
 Quotes from genius people which enlighten the world and this bog!

Tzhalf Sparnaay (Tjalf Sparnaay) - Dutch painter fotorealist. He was born in 1954. Work Tzhalfa Sparnaaya exhibited successfully around the world.

Fail Landings

by Ustad | 10:16 AM in , , , , |

A compilation of fail landings.Sometimes fails happens with planes too.

 In the Scottish town of Gretna Green, from late autumn to early spring you can watch the amazing bird "air show". During the annual migration to wintering in Scotland, European starlings fly (sturnus vulgaris), driven by the frost from their homes in Russia and Scandinavia. Soaring, flocks of these birds, like great black clouds in the sky, forming bizarre shapes.
The annual migration of starlings recalls that winter is on its way: Each year the birds arrive here from colder places, and remain until spring. Their wintering habitat is located in the southern part of the British Isles, but birds are especially numerous in the small Scottish town of Gretna Green, where he made ​​these pictures. (Owen Humphreys-PA/Landov)

This lovely girl loves to dress up in different costumes superheroes, frankly, she really go to these outfits. Probably a pretty girl is not important, what to wear. All-to-face.

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